Kristin, the proprietress of Cashmere Goat Yarn Shop in Camden, Maine, reached out to me in the depths of winter, to inquire about designing a project basket that her customers might use for small WIPs like a pair of socks. The Camden Basket is smaller than a Pail, has long handles like a Harvest Basket, and features the leather gathering handle of the GreenAcre Basket! They’re available exclusively at Cashmere Goat in Camden and here on the S+B website.
Made with cotton rope, custom made for Scout + Bean here in Midcoast Maine. Our thread is manufactured in North Carolina and our tabs in Tennessee, making all of our components U.S. made.
Measures 6.5 inches wide at the base, 6 inches tall, 8.5 inches wide at the brim, with a suede tab finish and a thick, removable leather handle with brass snaps.